If you’re in your twenties or thirties, or you’re married, you’ve probably read and heard enough about modern matrimonial websites and planned and love weddings. Here are some pointers for those looking for a partner via the pseudo-arranged marriage system.
The search for the right mate and marriage are challenging endeavors. When someone really wants to find the right spouse, they will try to be specific about what they are looking for matrimony. Someone who just makes negative remarks about someone else’s skin tone, height, or occupation is someone I would steer clear of.
Wanting a tall, lean, blonde beauty is not insignificant, is it? Or a handsome, dark-haired guy who stands tall and makes six figures? Still, life’s not all that there is? So take a chance!
Recognize your own self and face the facts
One cannot choose the person they want if they do not know who they are. In order to understand more about yourself and the sort of relationship you desire, spend time with. Recognize, then forget and retrain. I used to think that the first person I date would end up becoming my spouse.
But that is not how life works, sadly. You should be ready to look into it till you find it, since while it’s excellent, not many people have it. All the benefits that a partnership has to offer should be welcomed.
You should be ready for the lengthy process and remember not to take rejections from matrimonial sites personally, however. Continue to be calm and give it time.
Groom a friend: Prior to establishing any kind of relationship, whether it be via formal means or a matrimony service, I would advise becoming friends. Make a buddy of that person. Being yourself, amusing, truthful about your relationships, and impartial are all necessary for friendship.
It is lucky for you if the other person ends up becoming your best buddy. We look forward to finding quick solutions to friend-zone problems in the twenty-first century.
You should thus talk to someone you meet via a matrimonial website as you would a new friend rather than as your perfect bahu.
Stay out of social media.
Some individuals try to quit using Google, despite the fact that it is tough to accomplish. Finding their personal contact information is preferable than interacting with them via social media or Google searches after discovering them on a matrimonial website.
A person’s social media postings and/or profile should not be used to judge them. Whether via phone or Skype, have all first conversations in person. With so much room for interpretation, texting and instant messaging are indirect forms of communication.
Furthermore, one’s general understanding is always enhanced by direct contact. After earning the person’s confidence on the marriage-matching website, arrange informal meetings.
It’s best if you engage with one person at a time on a marriage-related website after you’ve established a sincere relationship. Due to the fact that trying to talk to many people at once would be confusing for you and unfair to the other person.
The final decision should be made by you, even if many around you may have ideas. Think about your feelings for the other person. Make sure to review their profile on the marriage-related website before deciding.
It happens that you may have had preconceived notions about someone and they end up being very different from what you expected (which is perfectly OK!). Make sure to address any worries or requests for more time before deciding.
Generally speaking, in an Indian setting, making a final decision shouldn’t take more than a few months, however individual circumstances may differ.